Ruth contra Hitler
The book Ruth contra Hitler tells a moving story that takes place during the Second World War years in Berlin. By day, the German journalist Ruth Andreas-Friedrich worked for a Nazi magazine, and at night she saved Jewish strangers and friends. In Berlin, 1,700 people survived with the help of brave civilians. The beautiful cover was designed by the London-based Polish artist Barbara Gibson, one of the most highly regarded graphic designers in Europe at the moment.
Berlin-based journalist Ruth Andreas-Friedrich (1901-1977) became part of the life of Luciana Rangel, a Rio de Janeiro journalist based in Berlin, in 2014, when she began her accurate research. They are two existences separated by decades and that meet each other in the intense relationship as women and citizen with the fascinating German capital, affected by two world wars, and, today more than ever, a global city. Luciana is the author of the touching, autobiographical Está (quase) tudo bem, It's (Almost) all fine, which won an award in Germany, and what we see in this new book is, once again, her great sensibility in talking about the pains and delights of being what you are, whenever and wherever you are. (Roberta Pennafort, author and journalist, TV Globo)
Brazilian press:
Confederação Israelita do Brasil
Livronews - Editado por @fabiolucaspe
Coluna Literária Jornal do Commercio (PE):
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