I was born in Rio de Janeiro and I have been living in Germany since 2005.
I have experience with the Brazilian and the international press.
My research and Broadcast productions about the German history, politics, and culture were awarded by the European Union and the Brazilian TV Globo.
I also received the Petrobras Award with the documentary: “Brasil, País da saudade.”
As an author, I participated in the anthologies “Saudade é uma palavra estragada” (Bübül Verlag), Escrever Berlim (Editora Nós) and the Autumn Salon from Maxim-Gorki Theater.
I have a master degree in Biography and Creative Writing from the Alice Salomon College of Berlin and I am a PhD student in the University of Bielefeld.

writing German version of the play “Opera do Malandro" by Chico Buarque_ Safran, Sand Nummer3, Mensch Refugee Monument project, Maxim-Gorki Theater, 2015
broadcast productions and research Solidariedade de alemães ajuda refugiados que chegam ao país / Família despreza restos mortais do "anjo da morte" nazista / Josef Mengele / 20 anos da queda do muro Fantástico, TV Globo
documentary Sehnsuchtsland Brasilien ZDF, Petrobras award
reports ONGs mais fortes / Jean Wyllys escolhe ficar na Alemanha como pesquisador e estudante de doutorado / ONU: Disparidades profissionais entre gêneros não diminuem pois mulheres assumem mais tarefas domésticas Jornal do Brasil ; Modelo do MEC, Alemanha tem ensino técnico remunerado Jornal o Globo